An Honest Journey
From Bondage to Living with Purpose

From Bondage to Living with Purpose

Did you know the Creator of the universe is a personal God who knows you intimately?

Think about that for a minute.

The Creator of the sun, moon, stars, the Grand Canyon, Mount Fuji, the oceans, black holes, and the entire universe knows you intimately!

Not only that, our magnificent God desires a personal relationship with you and has a specifically designed purpose for your life.

Crazy, right!?

While Jesus, the Son of God, spent His time on earth, there are many stories of His personal relationships with various people. Jesus’ exchange with the Samaritan woman in the Book of John, Chapter 4, is a beautiful example of a life changed by a personal relationship with the Savior.   

Jesus’ interaction with this woman was countercultural. The woman at the well was a Samaritan, and He was a Jew. Samaritans and Jews avoided one another, but Jesus made a point to travel through Samaria to specifically talk with her. He not only conversed with her, but he got to know her. He showed interest in who she was even though He knew exactly who she was and what she had done. He wanted her to know that he cared for her and that he specifically came to establish a relationship with her…


Photo by Thomas Thompson on Unsplash

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